Vizrt Transition Logic Maker

Vizrt Transition Logic Maker

This video will introduce you to the Vizrt Transition Logic maker tool. The cloud based tool will help you make all the necessary combination states for your transition logic scenes.
Vizrt Transition Logic Maker
If you watched the previous tutorial then you now know how to create your combination states manually. Doing it this way is good to know but it can be time consuming and also opens up more opportunities for mistakes. Using the logic maker tool you can eliminate any possibility of mistakes and it may save you time depending on how many states your scene has. You can access the tool here and try it out. If it's the first time you are using it, you will need to download the connector as the video shows. Once installed and on the site, it will connect to your Vizrt Artist scene.
The post Vizrt Transition Logic Maker appeared first on vizrt tutorials.
